At the moon’s center it is made up of purely iron. In the mantle, the largest part of the moon, it is made up of Olivine, Orthopyroxene, and Clinopyroxene. Olivine and Clinopyroxene are both mixtures. The crust is made up of Oxygen, Silicone, Magnesium, aluminum, and calcium. Oxygen is an element, Silicone is a mixture, Magnesium is an element, Aluminum is an element, and Calcium is an element.
My object that I am wondering what it is made of is a wakeboard. Wakeboards can be made up of fiberglass and wood, or fiberglass and foam, depending on what type of wakeboard you buy. If you are into doing tricks and going crazy, then you would want fiberglass and wood because it is strong but still flexible. If you are just into riding it for fun, and not really doing tricks then you would want the wakeboard with fiberglass and foam because they are cheaper and still get the job done plus are able to do simple trick like little jump or jumping the wake.
A basketball hoop is very important to the game, you would not be able to play basketball without a hoop. So what is it made of? We can start with the backboard it is made of tempered glass. Tempered glass is stronger than just usual glass because its processed by controlled thermal or chemical treatments to increase its strength. This special glass is a mixture of many elements. Next, we have the padding which is polyurethane foam. It is a combination of hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and oxygen and because of this its considered a mixture. The rim is made of tensile carbon steel which is mainly a mixture of the elements iron and carbon. The net is made of nylon and this is an element. These are all the elements that make up a basketball hoop.
That's really cool and i never knew that even though i love basketball, but you can't play basketball without the ball either, so what is that made up of?
Pencils are great writing utensils and are very important tools for writing, but what are they made of that makes them so great? First of all pencils are very strong and won't break unless you break it, but what makes it so strong? Well in the center of the pencil there is graphite which is what makes the marks on your paper, the graphite is made of carbon so it is easily able to write. But, this alone isn’t very strong so what makes it strong enough to write with, well outside of the graphite is wood. Wood is a perfect material for the pencil, it is strong, but weak enough to be easily sharpened and is a very common material. Wood is made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorous so it has some good structure and functions very well as it supports the graphite interior. Then on the outside of the pencil we have the yellow paint, this paint is also useful because it works as a grip, protects the wood, and overall adds a good look to the pencil. On the end of the pencil we have the eraser which is made of a mixture of rubber and sulfur. The rubber removes made by the pencils and the sulfur adds structure and a good base.
A Vans shoe has a number of things that come together to make the shoe. The bottom of the shoe, the sole is made out of rubber. Rubber is a carbon compound that is made up of carbon and hydrogen. The outside of the shoe is a cotton canvas. The cotton canvas is made up of cotton and polyvinyl chloride. That cotton canvas is dyed with ink. The red ink is made when bromine is added to a fluorescent compound. The laces are a mixture of pure cellulose. Pure cellulose is a naturally occurring polymer. The eyelets, the metal surrounding the holes that the laces go through is made of copper, which is an element.
Not many people can play an instrument with their feet, however tap dancers are the exception. When the metals on the ball and heel of the foot tap against a hard surface, the resulting percussive sound considers tappers as musicians. The metal that makes the actual “tapping” sound is often aluminum. Aluminum is an element. This means it is made up of all the same kind of atom. An element is also a sub-category under substance. The next part of the shoe is part of the outer sole. It is made of plastic which is a mixture. Plastic is a mixture because it is made of two or more compounds. Some of the varius elements that form compounds found in plastic include: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, and sulfur. Next is the heel and main support of the shoe. These are made of a mixture known as wood. Wood is also made up of different compounds including cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin, and extractives. The exterior of the shoe is traditionally made up of leather; leather is a mixture as well. The compounds found in leather include chromium and lime to clean it. The final main aspect keeps your feet in your shoes, laces. The laces are often made of cotton which is a compound. Cotton is made from pure cellulose which contains the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. The shoe is versatile not only in the sounds it makes but also in what goes into each shoe.
The Lip on the lure is made out of polycarbonate and it is a very durable compound. It is a compound because it is made of carbon and other things. The glass eye is made up of sand so it is an element made up of one thing. Then the paint on the lure is a compound because it is made up of different types of elements. The lead is an element. The aluminum hook is made out of just aluminum.
God gave us this beautiful universe to enjoy. From the sun to the stars the the numerous amount of plants we are really blessed. The Northern lights are part of that beauty, Actually the Northern lights are what is caused by such beauty. The Northern lights are created by solar flares. Solar flares are created by too much radiation . The Northern lights are made out of nitrogen and oxygen. The purple and pink section are the nitrogen and the Green and Red is the Oxygen.
God created us in a unique way. He made our bones out of marrow and a protein called collagen. We wouldn’t be able to walk smoothly without them. God made our brains to have nerve cells and nerve fibers. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to think and do our jobs properly. Our blood was designed to keep us alive and moving. Blood is made of plasma, platelets, and red and white blood cells. Blood also makes up 8% of our body weight. All of our organs were created to help us live and perform our tasks. The organs are made of different types of tissue. These tissues work together to help the organs perform certain tasks. The heart for example has different tissues to help pump blood and transfer oxygen.
People use binders everyday, but they don’t know what a binder is made of. Some of the material that make up a binder is Steel, nickel, polypropylene, vinyl, and cardboard. Steel is made up of iron and carbon, and steel is a mixture. Nickel is an element by itself. Polypropylene consists of pendant methyl, hydrogen and carbon, and it is a compound. Cardboard is a mixture which is made up of liner and medium. Vinyl is a compound that consists of ethylene and hydrogen.
The recipe for making a baseball has changed many times in the games long life but today I’m going to answer what is it made of right now. The main materials for a baseball are as followed: Leather from cow hides, cork and rubber composition material and, woolen yarn.
The $100 dollar bill is made up of 5 main things. The $100’s paper is made of 75% cotton which is a mixture and 25% Linen which is also a mixture. There is a color shifting 100 and bell that are made of copper, an element. The black ink is just regular ink which is a mixture. Lastly the blue thing down the middle is a 3D security ribbon which is made of calcium carbonate which is a compound.
The pen is one of the most used writing Utensil in the world in today's ages. The main compound in the pen is polystyrene plastic. This plastic makes up the the plunge which you use to push the thrust tube down into the thrust device which is all made out of plastic. The case is also made out of plastic and so is the ink chamber. The ink in the ink chamber is made out of a compound called carbon black. The spring is made out of a brass compound made out of copper and zinc particles. That is what makes up the common ballpoint pen.
Mars is a unique planet, but have you ever thought about what it is made of. Mars’s core is made up of iron and nickel, most likely in a solid state. The elements that make up the core is an example of a compound, or in other words, it is a combination of two or more elements chemically in a certain ratio by weight. The mantle is a type of a mixture that contains metals and silicates. A mixture is a substance that is made by mixing two or more elements together that are physically combined. The crust of Mars is just made up of a rocky layer, which is an element. An element are chemically the simplest substances and cannot be broken down using chemical reactions. There is not much water on Mars, but the water that is on Mars makes up only 2% of it. Our wonderful, almighty God he designed so many complex planets, but focusing on just Mars, we realize that many substances make up this planet. As we continue to grow our understanding on how these things all work together, it all makes sense. All thanks to our amazing God for creating such complex things for us to grow our knowledge and to understand.
The car is mostly made up of materials that are a mixture. The body/exterior is made up of metal mostly. There are bumpers that are on newer cars are plastic. Most of the car is made up of a mixture is pretty much what it is. When you reduce the level of carbon in the iron to . 05 to . 25% the metal becomes what we call steel and in HSLA (high strength, low alloy) steel used in modern cars many other metals are alloyed in small amounts including copper, nickel, niobium, vanadium, chromium, molybdenum, titanium calcium and zirconium.
I wanted to learn more about something that I see everyday, but didn’t know exactly what makes it up. So I decided that I would research the materials that make up a hydro flask. A hydro flask by itself only has a few materials, so I chose to add some things that are quite popular to put on hydro flasks anyways. I decided to add stickers and friendship bracelets. To begin, I found that the base of the bottle is aluminum. It is an element, so each particle is a singular and not connected with any other type of material. Elements are simple atoms, and are pure to themselves. The other part of the base of the bottle would be the lid. The lid is made of stainless steel, which is a mixture of the elements Iron (Fe) and Carbon (C). A mixture is a type of matter that can be separated physically, so in the lid, the carbon and Iron aren't fused together as compounds.The final part of the bottle is the paint. It is a type of industrial spray paint, so it consists of a mixture of the two compounds acetone (C3H6O) and toluene (C7H8). A compound is a type of matter where two or more different elements have atoms fused together. Both of these compounds are relatively complex. The popular add on of stickers has two parts: the actual picture, and the adhesive. The picture is made of vinyl, which is a mixture of ethylene (C2H4) and the element chlorine (Cl). The Adhesive is made out of a mixture of acetone (C3H6O) and latex (C5H8). Finally, there is the friendship bracelets. They are made out of cotton thread, or cotton. It’s chemical formula is C6H5O10. Even though the cotton isn’t an element, it is still a pure substance because it is only made of C6H5O10 and there are no other molecules or atoms mixed into the compound. There are so many elements, compounds, mixtures, or materials that can be found in anything. It’s rather interesting to see what is in everyday items and to learn about these new materials.
The Sun as we see it, looks just like a big ball of fire. I was curious to see what the Sun was made of, that it could burn for thousands of years. When I researched what it was made up of, I found out that there are more than just one or two gases. The Sun is made up of mostly Hydrogen and helium, but there are little amounts of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. They are also very very small amounts of neon, iron, silicon, magnesium, and sulfur. This is what the sun is made of.
A computer is a very complex thing but what is it made of? Plastic which is a compound can be found all around a computer. It is part of the fans, the motherboard, and hard drives to name a few. Copper which is an element can be found in the wires and the power supply. Aluminum which is an element is in the computer more than anything else because the case of the computer is made out of aluminum. Glass which is a mixture is not in all computers but computers that have a glass side to view into the computer do. Lead, an element can be found in the motherboard.
I did my “what are you made of?” project on a sector 9 long board. Long boards have about 5 main parts. Those parts are the deck, wheels, trucks, kingpin, and bearings. The decks are either made up of 100% maple wood, or 50% maple and 50% bamboo, the specific deck I chose is made of 100% maple. Sector 9 wheels are made up of 100% rubber with a clear silicone that is addend into the middle of the wheels for structural support and durability. There are two trucks located on each side of the board that holds the four wheels in place and allow them to spin and turn. These trucks are predominantly made up of tin, copper, steel, or a mixture of the three. The two kingpins located in the middle of each truck allow the truck to be able to turn causing you to turn and they allow you to keep your balance on the board. The last part of a long board is the bearings, there is 1 set of bearings placed in each wheel that are made of aluminum and allow the wheel to spin smoothly with precision and accuracy.
The planet Neptune is about 2.8 million miles from Earth, but scientists still have a great understanding of what it is made of. The atmosphere of Neptune is made of the methane compound (CH)-carbon and hydrogen-in gas form and the elements hydrogen(H) and helium(He). The mantle consists of compounds of frozen water(H2O)-2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen, ammonia(NH3)-nitrogen and 3 hydrogen, and methane(CH4)-carbon and 4 hydrogen. The last layer of Neptune, the core, is a solid made from silicate(SiO4)-silicon and 4 oxygen- and water(H2O)- 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen- compounds, and the alloy mixture Fe-Ni- iron and nickel. The planet Neptune has many different compounds, elements, and mixtures that have come together to form the big, beautiful planet of God’s great design.
The tennis ball. A common toy with many uses. You can use it with the sport it is mostly associated with, tennis. There are many other things you can use it for like baseball, golf, or forearm strengthening. But, what is a tennis ball made of? Tennis balls have this green fuzzy stuff on them. What is that stuff? It is nylon. Nylon is a mixture which contains hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, azanide, amidogen, and holmium. That’s a lot of elements and compounds mixed into one thing. Another mixture in a tennis ball is rubber of latex. Latex comes from a tree called the hevea brasiliensis, but most people call it the rubber tree. One other mixture is glue. The glue is made of Polyvinyl Acetate. Polyvinyl Acetate is also used in water-based paints along with adhesives. Styrene-Butadiene is a compound. Styrene-Butadiene is a type of rubber. The rubber is used on the inside of the ball to make the ball bounce. The final type of matter is oxygen. Oxygen is an element. Oxygen is not used to make the ball, but it is inside of the ball when the ball is closed. This also allows the ball to float.
The human body, God’s most prized creation, but what is it made of? The human body is primarily composed of various elements such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Elements are uncomplicated substances that cannot be broken down into a simpler substance. Up to 60% of the body is made up of water. Water is a compound made up of two particles of hydrogen and one particle of oxygen. When the two substances combine to form water, they lose their original properties and create a whole new substance. Take iron sulfate as an example. Iron is malleable, ductile and magnetic, while iron sulfate is not malleable or magnetic. A compound is a substance that is composed of two or more separate elements. Blood flows throughout the whole human body, within the cardiovascular system. Blood carries many nutrients and oxygen to all cells in the body. Blood is a homogeneous mixture that is primarily composed of elements such as iron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. A mixture is a substance that can be separated through chemical and physical means. These are only a few of the elements, compounds, and mixtures that make up the human body. Science uncovers how complex the human body really is, and proves God’s almighty power through his creation.
Soccer is an extremely popular sport throughout the world. But have you ever wondered what elements, mixtures, and compounds make up a key item in the game: a soccer ball? I assume you know soccer balls are made up of different types of cotton, but there are certain elements and mixtures that make up this cotton structure. The skin on the outside of the soccer ball is made of synthetic leather which is made up of polyurethane or polyvinyl chloride and that is stitched around an inflated rubber or rubber-like bladder. The bladder contains an element called Sulfur and an element called Silicon. An element is made up of only one kind of atom. The lining of the soccer ball contains cotton and polyester materials. The lining is made up of a mixture of Silica and Sodium Chloride called Mica. A mixture is known as atoms that aren’t the same throughout, or 2 or more different compounds that can be separated. The stitch is also made of polyester, but it’s a compound of Potassium Chloride and Sodium Chloride. A compound is made up of one molecule or two elements combined together to create new properties and can’t be separated. The valve is where you pump the air into the ball which is made of the element silicon as well. The air contained inside of the soccer ball is a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and 1% of other gases. The most fascinating thing is the cover of the soccer ball is made of salt, a compound of Sodium and Chlorine. Without a soccer ball, there would be no soccer. Soccer is an inspiration to so many people including Ronaldinho, who once said, “I learned all about life with a ball at my feet.” Soccer is a gift, don’t take it for granted.
Jupiter is made up of many different mixtures as well as compounds and elements. A mixture is any two compounds or elements mixed together to form a different substance. The chemical compounds are methane and ammonia because they are made up of two or more elements combined in specific ratios. Methane is made up of four hydrogen to one carbon atoms. Ammonia is made up of one nitrogen to three hydrogen atoms. The other compound is water which is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The elements are hydrogen and helium, which are a chemical element because it is a gas. Hydrogen is made up of singular hydrogen atoms. Helium is made up of singular helium atoms.
The material that I used in my project was a burger. I chose a burger because a burger is simple and part of my daily life (but I haven’t been eating burgers everyday, just common to see). The meat molecule is a compound, it is made up of fat, protein and water. Lettuce is about 96% water and 4% carbon. The cheese molecule is made of enzymes and lactose. The pickle is made of water and enzymes. The bread is made of nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. The aluminum foil wrapping is just made aluminum molecules.
Watches are important in today’s society, and what they are made often depends on the price. A watch such as a Patek Philippe is very expensive due to it’s high quality and design. I chose to do my project on the Patek Philippe Aquanaut. The outer part of this watch consists of stainless steel. Stainless steel is a homogeneous mixture made up of chromium, carbon, iron, and is then coated with nickel so that is doesn’t rust. A homogeneous mixture is different than a heterogeneous mixture because it has its particles in a uniform order or pattern. Regular steel itself does not have the nickel in it. The watch glass is made up of a scratch-resistant sapphire crystal. Unlike most watches which have mineral glass that can easily be shattered, sapphire crystal is a compound made from heating up Aluminum and oxygen to form Aluminum Oxide. The wrist strap on the watch is the primary part of the watch that attaches to your wrist. It is made of a cheaper composite black p leather (plastic leather). This is made by combining rubber and plastic. Both rubber and plastic are both compounds. Rubber is made from carbon and hydrogen. Plastic is also made from those elements including, sulfur, chlorine, and nitrogen. The spring bar under the watch strap is simply metal which is an element. The inside of the watch has a 21K gold rotor, and gold is also an element.
Have you ever wondered what the moon was made of? There are many elements that make up the surface of the moon. Some of these elements are oxygen, silicon, iron, calcium, aluminum, and magnesium. An example of a compound found on the moon is olivine, the chemical makeup of olivine is one molecule silicon, four molecules of oxygen, and two of magnesium. All of these compounds and elements make up the surface of the moon which is a mixture.
Have you ever wondered what a Baseball bat was made up of? First, the grip of the baseball is made up of DSP dura polymer which is made up of 14 carbon, 24 hydrogen, and 6 oxygen atoms. All of that is held up by epoxy which is a compound and it is made up of 21 carbon atoms, 16 hydrogen atoms, and 2 oxygen atoms. All of those combined makes a sticky substance and that's why it is used to hold the bat wrap on the bat. Baseball bats are also made up of aluminium which is the barrel of the baseball bat. It is only made up of aluminium atoms so that makes it an element. Also, there is a small part of the bat that contains carbon fiber polymer. That is made up of 3 carbon atoms, 3 hydrogen atoms, and 3 nitrogen, and when all three of those are mixed by heat it makes a light but durable which makes it a mixture. And when all of those are combined it makes the whole bat a mixture because all of the compounds and elements are not the same.
Many people say Gatorade is good for you, but do you know what is really in Gatorade? Gatorade is a mixture of many compounds. Gatorade has some of your common everyday compounds but then it also has some majority of people have never heard of. Gatorade is only good for you if your are burning calories by being physically active. Gatorade has electrolytes which replaces the calories you burn while working out. The bottle in which you drink the Gatorade out of is known as Polyethylene terephthalate which is a type of plastic. Gatorade is composed of Water, sugar, dextrose, citric acid, flavoring, salt, sodium citrate and monopotassium phosphate as the main core of the substance. All of these main ingredients are compounds.
Saturn is a beautiful and unique planet created by God, but what is it made of? Unlike Earth, Saturn is a gaseous planet and is 94% hydrogen or H, an element. The other 6% is Helium, or He. On Saturn there is traces of ammonia, 1 nitrogen and 3 hydrogen atoms or NH3, methane, 1 carbon and 4 hydrogen or CH4, and water, H2O. The rings of Saturn are mainly made of ice water, rocks, and dust.
I have chosen the pencil because everyone calls it a pencil, but what is it really made of? I found out in doing some research that there are five main parts of a pencil. The parts are the eraser, rubber, Graphite, wood, and Aluminum. The eraser is a compound called synthetic rubber. This synthetic rubber is made up of fossil fuels and in the fossil fuels there is hydrogen and carbon. The second part of it is the wood that surrounds the Graphite. The wood would be a mixture because if you were to burn it you would get steam and that means there is water in the tree. Also if tap the tree you will get sap and so the tree is more than just one element. Aluminum is an element that is located on the end of the pencil to connect the wood and eraser together. Then there is on the top of the wood there is an outer coating of paint that helps to protect the person using it to help protect their hand. Last there is Graphite which is the part that is in the middle of the pencil and creates the color when you press down on the paper.
Shoes have shaped sports in new and iconic ways. Kyrie 6s are new shoes that improve your traction, precision, and jump. The newer part of basketball shoes is called plush foam, it rotates the medical bones in your foot inward and downward so that helps you walk on your inner margin of your foot. Leather, helps you in a way that it prevents odor and prevent loss of traction. The air cushion inside helps your jump and keeps you comfortable. The strap, which is not on many shoes, crosses over to the opposite side of the shoe for support and/or lockdown on your shoe. The rubber sole of the shoe provides a base of support for you as you do physical activity. Because of how tough rubber is, their is an air cushion inside. This supports your foot and makes it more comfortable for you to maneuver in. All these different compounds, mixtures, and elements make up the shoe and work together to get the best performance possible.
The rubber duck also has ethylene in it to make the rubbery substance. This comes from crude oil mined from miles deep in the ground. The other part comes from Polyvinyl Chloride, and that makes a resin that is mixed into the ethylene, and the Ethylene and then gets poured into a mold to make a rubber duck.
One of the most influential and impacting inventions of our age is the telephone. The amount of progress and innovation that the phone has experienced over the past years is staggering. In this paragraph, I’ll explain the many different materials and atoms that make up the modern smartphone. Although different brands and models may have some small differences, the core parts and systems remain somewhat constant. The main components of a modern-day phone are the screen, body, and various electronic machines. The screen is made of glass, which is a mixture of sand, sodium, and calcium. The body can either be made of a compound plastic, or elements of metal.
Asteroids are something that we’ve discovered for only about two hundred years. We know quite a bit about them and scientists are still working to find out more about them. What I want to know is what are asteroids made of? Asteroids are made up of mostly iron. 80% of this type of asteroid is made of iron and the other twenty is made of a mixture of many other elements. Some asteroids contain water which is made up of one oxygen and two hydrogen. Other asteroids contain magma, which is made up of silicon, titanium, aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, hydrogen and oxygen.
A lot of people drink Gatorade and for different reasons. Some people drink it just to drink it, but others drink it for sports purposes. I also drink Gatorade, and wanted to find out what some of the things that make it up are. The first ingredient I found was citric acid. Citric acid is used in Gatorade add flavor and act as a preservative. The next ingredient was salt. They use salt to enhance taste and help regulate fluid balance in the body. Another ingredient I found is Brominated vegetable oil. The vegetable oil ensures the stability of the flavor mixture. It also keeps the citric oils in Gatorade from rising to the surface. I also found Sucralose as an ingredient. Sucralose is a a non-calorie artificial sweetener and is used to enhance flavor and add sweetness. The last thing in gatorade that I found is hydrogen. The hydrogen isn’t in the gatorade, it is in the plastic of the gatorade bottle.
I find some of the major elements in the substance and then try and split them down into the core elements of what they are. My element was fire and I was trying to find out things like what makes it light up and how it gets its heat. It is primarily made up of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen, with one part nitrogen, for the fuel. 2 extra carbon atoms for the wood.
Have you ever wondered what makes up a basketball?First the outer covering of the basketball. The outer covering is made of Leather which is a compound. The next layer is called the Carcass and it is made of Rubber which is a Mixture. The next layer is called the Winding and it is made up of nylon or polyester and they are mixtures. Last it’s the Bladder (Air retention) which is where the air goes and the air is a Mixture.
At the moon’s center it is made up of purely iron. In the mantle, the largest part of the moon, it is made up of Olivine, Orthopyroxene, and Clinopyroxene. Olivine and Clinopyroxene are both mixtures. The crust is made up of Oxygen, Silicone, Magnesium, aluminum, and calcium. Oxygen is an element, Silicone is a mixture, Magnesium is an element, Aluminum is an element, and Calcium is an element.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like the moon is made of mostly elements
DeleteI didn't know that the center of the moon was made up of so many types of elements, very interesting.
DeleteMy object that I am wondering what it is made of is a wakeboard. Wakeboards can be made up of fiberglass and wood, or fiberglass and foam, depending on what type of wakeboard you buy. If you are into doing tricks and going crazy, then you would want fiberglass and wood because it is strong but still flexible. If you are just into riding it for fun, and not really doing tricks then you would want the wakeboard with fiberglass and foam because they are cheaper and still get the job done plus are able to do simple trick like little jump or jumping the wake.
ReplyDeleteI learned that a wake board is at made of mostly up of either wood or fiberglass.
DeleteIs a wake board made up of elements or is it a compund
DeleteNice job identifying some types of boards that people use, and when they use them.
DeleteI learned from your paragraph that wakeboards are made of fiberglass and wood or fiberglass and foam
DeleteI learned that waterboards are made of fiber glass and wood, or foam.
DeleteA basketball hoop is very important to the game, you would not be able to play basketball without a hoop. So what is it made of? We can start with the backboard it is made of tempered glass. Tempered glass is stronger than just usual glass because its processed by controlled thermal or chemical treatments to increase its strength. This special glass is a mixture of many elements. Next, we have the padding which is polyurethane foam. It is a combination of hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and oxygen and because of this its considered a mixture. The rim is made of tensile carbon steel which is mainly a mixture of the elements iron and carbon. The net is made of nylon and this is an element. These are all the elements that make up a basketball hoop.
ReplyDeleteThat's really cool and i never knew that even though i love basketball, but you can't play basketball without the ball either, so what is that made up of?
DeleteAll the elements of a hoop listed and described, maybe at the post?
DeleteI learned that the glass is processed by different treatments to make it stronger.
DeleteWow this is awesome! Now I know what the basketball hoop is made of and why its made of that.
DeleteI didn't know that basketball hoops where made with more then just iron.
DeletePencils are great writing utensils and are very important tools for writing, but what are they made of that makes them so great? First of all pencils are very strong and won't break unless you break it, but what makes it so strong? Well in the center of the pencil there is graphite which is what makes the marks on your paper, the graphite is made of carbon so it is easily able to write. But, this alone isn’t very strong so what makes it strong enough to write with, well outside of the graphite is wood. Wood is a perfect material for the pencil, it is strong, but weak enough to be easily sharpened and is a very common material. Wood is made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorous so it has some good structure and functions very well as it supports the graphite interior. Then on the outside of the pencil we have the yellow paint, this paint is also useful because it works as a grip, protects the wood, and overall adds a good look to the pencil. On the end of the pencil we have the eraser which is made of a mixture of rubber and sulfur. The rubber removes made by the pencils and the sulfur adds structure and a good base.
ReplyDeleteI learned how the sulfur adds structure after you erase something with a pencil eraser.
DeleteI learned that a pencil is a very strong material and is not easily breakable.
DeleteI learned that an eraser is made up of rubber and sulfur.
DeleteI like the information. There is strong detail.
DeleteThat's interesting
DeleteA Vans shoe has a number of things that come together to make the shoe. The bottom of the shoe, the sole is made out of rubber. Rubber is a carbon compound that is made up of carbon and hydrogen. The outside of the shoe is a cotton canvas. The cotton canvas is made up of cotton and polyvinyl chloride. That cotton canvas is dyed with ink. The red ink is made when bromine is added to a fluorescent compound. The laces are a mixture of pure cellulose. Pure cellulose is a naturally occurring polymer. The eyelets, the metal surrounding the holes that the laces go through is made of copper, which is an element.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that shows had that many products
DeleteI learned that the hoops around the laces on the shoe called eyelets.
DeleteI learned that a lot of things go in to making a shoe
DeleteI learned what a cotton canvas consists of
DeleteNot many people can play an instrument with their feet, however tap dancers are the exception. When the metals on the ball and heel of the foot tap against a hard surface, the resulting percussive sound considers tappers as musicians. The metal that makes the actual “tapping” sound is often aluminum. Aluminum is an element. This means it is made up of all the same kind of atom. An element is also a sub-category under substance. The next part of the shoe is part of the outer sole. It is made of plastic which is a mixture. Plastic is a mixture because it is made of two or more compounds. Some of the varius elements that form compounds found in plastic include: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, and sulfur. Next is the heel and main support of the shoe. These are made of a mixture known as wood. Wood is also made up of different compounds including cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin, and extractives. The exterior of the shoe is traditionally made up of leather; leather is a mixture as well. The compounds found in leather include chromium and lime to clean it. The final main aspect keeps your feet in your shoes, laces. The laces are often made of cotton which is a compound. Cotton is made from pure cellulose which contains the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. The shoe is versatile not only in the sounds it makes but also in what goes into each shoe.
ReplyDeleteThe Lip on the lure is made out of polycarbonate and it is a very durable compound. It is a compound because it is made of carbon and other things. The glass eye is made up of sand so it is an element made up of one thing. Then the paint on the lure is a compound because it is made up of different types of elements. The lead is an element. The aluminum hook is made out of just aluminum.
ReplyDeleteI learned what the lip of a lure is made of, thats cool.
DeleteGod gave us this beautiful universe to enjoy. From the sun to the stars the the numerous amount of plants we are really blessed. The Northern lights are part of that beauty, Actually the Northern lights are what is caused by such beauty. The Northern lights are created by solar flares. Solar flares are created by too much radiation . The Northern lights are made out of nitrogen and oxygen. The purple and pink section are the nitrogen and the Green and Red is the Oxygen.
ReplyDeleteThat cool I have never thought about them like that
DeleteI didn't know that the northern lights were made from only nitrogen and oxygen.
DeleteI never would of thought that they would be made out of this.
DeleteGod created us in a unique way. He made our bones out of marrow and a protein called collagen. We wouldn’t be able to walk smoothly without them. God made our brains to have nerve cells and nerve fibers. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to think and do our jobs properly. Our blood was designed to keep us alive and moving. Blood is made of plasma, platelets, and red and white blood cells. Blood also makes up 8% of our body weight. All of our organs were created to help us live and perform our tasks. The organs are made of different types of tissue. These tissues work together to help the organs perform certain tasks. The heart for example has different tissues to help pump blood and transfer oxygen.
ReplyDeleteI learned that our blood makes up 8% of our body weight
DeletePeople use binders everyday, but they don’t know what a binder is made of. Some of the material that make up a binder is Steel, nickel, polypropylene, vinyl, and cardboard. Steel is made up of iron and carbon, and steel is a mixture. Nickel is an element by itself. Polypropylene consists of pendant methyl, hydrogen and carbon, and it is a compound. Cardboard is a mixture which is made up of liner and medium. Vinyl is a compound that consists of ethylene and hydrogen.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that a binder had that many materials
DeleteThe recipe for making a baseball has changed many times in the games long life but today I’m going to answer what is it made of right now. The main materials for a baseball are as followed: Leather from cow hides, cork and rubber composition material and, woolen yarn.
ReplyDeleteI really like how you started off strong with your statement
DeleteThat is really cool, it was a well written paragraph.
DeleteThe $100 dollar bill is made up of 5 main things. The $100’s paper is made of 75% cotton which is a mixture and 25% Linen which is also a mixture. There is a color shifting 100 and bell that are made of copper, an element. The black ink is just regular ink which is a mixture. Lastly the blue thing down the middle is a 3D security ribbon which is made of calcium carbonate which is a compound.
ReplyDeletethat's so cool that our money is made up of cotton and linen. two things you would never expect to be in our money.
DeleteThat's cool how the $100 dollar bill is made of cotton.
DeleteI learned that a dollar bill is more cotton than paper and that there is copper in the bill
DeleteThat is really cool, I had no idea that it had copper.
DeleteI didn't know that a 100 dollar bill was made of cotton and linen.
DeleteThe pen is one of the most used writing Utensil in the world in today's ages. The main compound in the pen is polystyrene plastic. This plastic makes up the the plunge which you use to push the thrust tube down into the thrust device which is all made out of plastic. The case is also made out of plastic and so is the ink chamber. The ink in the ink chamber is made out of a compound called carbon black. The spring is made out of a brass compound made out of copper and zinc particles. That is what makes up the common ballpoint pen.
ReplyDeleteMars is a unique planet, but have you ever thought about what it is made of. Mars’s core is made up of iron and nickel, most likely in a solid state. The elements that make up the core is an example of a compound, or in other words, it is a combination of two or more elements chemically in a certain ratio by weight. The mantle is a type of a mixture that contains metals and silicates. A mixture is a substance that is made by mixing two or more elements together that are physically combined. The crust of Mars is just made up of a rocky layer, which is an element. An element are chemically the simplest substances and cannot be broken down using chemical reactions. There is not much water on Mars, but the water that is on Mars makes up only 2% of it. Our wonderful, almighty God he designed so many complex planets, but focusing on just Mars, we realize that many substances make up this planet. As we continue to grow our understanding on how these things all work together, it all makes sense. All thanks to our amazing God for creating such complex things for us to grow our knowledge and to understand.
ReplyDeleteThe car is mostly made up of materials that are a mixture. The body/exterior is made up of metal mostly. There are bumpers that are on newer cars are plastic. Most of the car is made up of a mixture is pretty much what it is. When you reduce the level of carbon in the iron to . 05 to . 25% the metal becomes what we call steel and in HSLA (high strength, low alloy) steel used in modern cars many other metals are alloyed in small amounts including copper, nickel, niobium, vanadium, chromium, molybdenum, titanium calcium and zirconium.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to learn more about something that I see everyday, but didn’t know exactly what makes it up. So I decided that I would research the materials that make up a hydro flask. A hydro flask by itself only has a few materials, so I chose to add some things that are quite popular to put on hydro flasks anyways. I decided to add stickers and friendship bracelets. To begin, I found that the base of the bottle is aluminum. It is an element, so each particle is a singular and not connected with any other type of material. Elements are simple atoms, and are pure to themselves. The other part of the base of the bottle would be the lid. The lid is made of stainless steel, which is a mixture of the elements Iron (Fe) and Carbon (C). A mixture is a type of matter that can be separated physically, so in the lid, the carbon and Iron aren't fused together as compounds.The final part of the bottle is the paint. It is a type of industrial spray paint, so it consists of a mixture of the two compounds acetone (C3H6O) and toluene (C7H8). A compound is a type of matter where two or more different elements have atoms fused together. Both of these compounds are relatively complex. The popular add on of stickers has two parts: the actual picture, and the adhesive. The picture is made of vinyl, which is a mixture of ethylene (C2H4) and the element chlorine (Cl). The Adhesive is made out of a mixture of acetone (C3H6O) and latex (C5H8). Finally, there is the friendship bracelets. They are made out of cotton thread, or cotton. It’s chemical formula is C6H5O10. Even though the cotton isn’t an element, it is still a pure substance because it is only made of C6H5O10 and there are no other molecules or atoms mixed into the compound. There are so many elements, compounds, mixtures, or materials that can be found in anything. It’s rather interesting to see what is in everyday items and to learn about these new materials.
ReplyDeleteNice, I didn't know there was that many parts in a hydroflask.
DeleteThe Sun as we see it, looks just like a big ball of fire. I was curious to see what the Sun was made of, that it could burn for thousands of years. When I researched what it was made up of, I found out that there are more than just one or two gases. The Sun is made up of mostly Hydrogen and helium, but there are little amounts of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. They are also very very small amounts of neon, iron, silicon, magnesium, and sulfur. This is what the sun is made of.
ReplyDeleteIt is crazy how hot and bright the sun is for a bunch of gases.
DeleteA computer is a very complex thing but what is it made of? Plastic which is a compound can be found all around a computer. It is part of the fans, the motherboard, and hard drives to name a few. Copper which is an element can be found in the wires and the power supply. Aluminum which is an element is in the computer more than anything else because the case of the computer is made out of aluminum. Glass which is a mixture is not in all computers but computers that have a glass side to view into the computer do. Lead, an element can be found in the motherboard.
ReplyDeleteI did my “what are you made of?” project on a sector 9 long board. Long boards have about 5 main parts. Those parts are the deck, wheels, trucks, kingpin, and bearings. The decks are either made up of 100% maple wood, or 50% maple and 50% bamboo, the specific deck I chose is made of 100% maple. Sector 9 wheels are made up of 100% rubber with a clear silicone that is addend into the middle of the wheels for structural support and durability. There are two trucks located on each side of the board that holds the four wheels in place and allow them to spin and turn. These trucks are predominantly made up of tin, copper, steel, or a mixture of the three. The two kingpins located in the middle of each truck allow the truck to be able to turn causing you to turn and they allow you to keep your balance on the board. The last part of a long board is the bearings, there is 1 set of bearings placed in each wheel that are made of aluminum and allow the wheel to spin smoothly with precision and accuracy.
ReplyDeleteInteresting, I didn't realize the importance of the different types of wood in a skateboard.
DeleteThe planet Neptune is about 2.8 million miles from Earth, but scientists still have a great understanding of what it is made of. The atmosphere of Neptune is made of the methane compound (CH)-carbon and hydrogen-in gas form and the elements hydrogen(H) and helium(He). The mantle consists of compounds of frozen water(H2O)-2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen, ammonia(NH3)-nitrogen and 3 hydrogen, and methane(CH4)-carbon and 4 hydrogen. The last layer of Neptune, the core, is a solid made from silicate(SiO4)-silicon and 4 oxygen- and water(H2O)- 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen- compounds, and the alloy mixture Fe-Ni- iron and nickel. The planet Neptune has many different compounds, elements, and mixtures that have come together to form the big, beautiful planet of God’s great design.
ReplyDeleteSeems like Neptune is pretty different earth.
DeleteI found this to be really interesting! I didn't know Neptune was made up of so many different elements and compounds!
DeleteThe tennis ball. A common toy with many uses. You can use it with the sport it is mostly associated with, tennis. There are many other things you can use it for like baseball, golf, or forearm strengthening. But, what is a tennis ball made of? Tennis balls have this green fuzzy stuff on them. What is that stuff? It is nylon. Nylon is a mixture which contains hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, azanide, amidogen, and holmium. That’s a lot of elements and compounds mixed into one thing. Another mixture in a tennis ball is rubber of latex. Latex comes from a tree called the hevea brasiliensis, but most people call it the rubber tree. One other mixture is glue. The glue is made of Polyvinyl Acetate. Polyvinyl Acetate is also used in water-based paints along with adhesives. Styrene-Butadiene is a compound. Styrene-Butadiene is a type of rubber. The rubber is used on the inside of the ball to make the ball bounce. The final type of matter is oxygen. Oxygen is an element. Oxygen is not used to make the ball, but it is inside of the ball when the ball is closed. This also allows the ball to float.
ReplyDeleteInteresting! I didn't know that.
Deletewow that's cool
DeleteWow. Good research and a interesting topic. Good job!
DeleteThe human body, God’s most prized creation, but what is it made of? The human body is primarily composed of various elements such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Elements are uncomplicated substances that cannot be broken down into a simpler substance. Up to 60% of the body is made up of water. Water is a compound made up of two particles of hydrogen and one particle of oxygen. When the two substances combine to form water, they lose their original properties and create a whole new substance. Take iron sulfate as an example. Iron is malleable, ductile and magnetic, while iron sulfate is not malleable or magnetic. A compound is a substance that is composed of two or more separate elements. Blood flows throughout the whole human body, within the cardiovascular system. Blood carries many nutrients and oxygen to all cells in the body. Blood is a homogeneous mixture that is primarily composed of elements such as iron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. A mixture is a substance that can be separated through chemical and physical means. These are only a few of the elements, compounds, and mixtures that make up the human body. Science uncovers how complex the human body really is, and proves God’s almighty power through his creation.
ReplyDeleteI learned that my body is made up of 60% water.
DeleteSoccer is an extremely popular sport throughout the world. But have you ever wondered what elements, mixtures, and compounds make up a key item in the game: a soccer ball? I assume you know soccer balls are made up of different types of cotton, but there are certain elements and mixtures that make up this cotton structure. The skin on the outside of the soccer ball is made of synthetic leather which is made up of polyurethane or polyvinyl chloride and that is stitched around an inflated rubber or rubber-like bladder. The bladder contains an element called Sulfur and an element called Silicon. An element is made up of only one kind of atom. The lining of the soccer ball contains cotton and polyester materials. The lining is made up of a mixture of Silica and Sodium Chloride called Mica. A mixture is known as atoms that aren’t the same throughout, or 2 or more different compounds that can be separated. The stitch is also made of polyester, but it’s a compound of Potassium Chloride and Sodium Chloride. A compound is made up of one molecule or two elements combined together to create new properties and can’t be separated. The valve is where you pump the air into the ball which is made of the element silicon as well. The air contained inside of the soccer ball is a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and 1% of other gases. The most fascinating thing is the cover of the soccer ball is made of salt, a compound of Sodium and Chlorine. Without a soccer ball, there would be no soccer. Soccer is an inspiration to so many people including Ronaldinho, who once said, “I learned all about life with a ball at my feet.” Soccer is a gift, don’t take it for granted.
ReplyDeleteThe soccer ball is certainly a key element in the game.
ReplyDeleteJupiter is made up of many different mixtures as well as compounds and elements. A mixture is any two compounds or elements mixed together to form a different substance. The chemical compounds are methane and ammonia because they are made up of two or more elements combined in specific ratios. Methane is made up of four hydrogen to one carbon atoms. Ammonia is made up of one nitrogen to three hydrogen atoms. The other compound is water which is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The elements are hydrogen and helium, which are a chemical element because it is a gas. Hydrogen is made up of singular hydrogen atoms. Helium is made up of singular helium atoms.
There are many similar compounds and elements in Jupiter as in other planets.
DeleteThe material that I used in my project was a burger. I chose a burger because a burger is simple and part of my daily life (but I haven’t been eating burgers everyday, just common to see). The meat molecule is a compound, it is made up of fat, protein and water. Lettuce is about 96% water and 4% carbon. The cheese molecule is made of enzymes and lactose. The pickle is made of water and enzymes. The bread is made of nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. The aluminum foil wrapping is just made aluminum molecules.
ReplyDeleteI learned that lettuce is made up of 96% water and 4% carbon.
DeleteI learned that the meat molecule is a compound.
DeleteWatches are important in today’s society, and what they are made often depends on the price. A watch such as a Patek Philippe is very expensive due to it’s high quality and design. I chose to do my project on the Patek Philippe Aquanaut. The outer part of this watch consists of stainless steel. Stainless steel is a homogeneous mixture made up of chromium, carbon, iron, and is then coated with nickel so that is doesn’t rust. A homogeneous mixture is different than a heterogeneous mixture because it has its particles in a uniform order or pattern. Regular steel itself does not have the nickel in it. The watch glass is made up of a scratch-resistant sapphire crystal. Unlike most watches which have mineral glass that can easily be shattered, sapphire crystal is a compound made from heating up Aluminum and oxygen to form Aluminum Oxide. The wrist strap on the watch is the primary part of the watch that attaches to your wrist. It is made of a cheaper composite black p leather (plastic leather). This is made by combining rubber and plastic. Both rubber and plastic are both compounds. Rubber is made from carbon and hydrogen. Plastic is also made from those elements including, sulfur, chlorine, and nitrogen. The spring bar under the watch strap is simply metal which is an element. The inside of the watch has a 21K gold rotor, and gold is also an element.
ReplyDeleteThats brazy my dude
DeleteHave you ever wondered what the moon was made of? There are many elements that make up the surface of the moon. Some of these elements are oxygen, silicon, iron, calcium, aluminum, and magnesium. An example of a compound found on the moon is olivine, the chemical makeup of olivine is one molecule silicon, four molecules of oxygen, and two of magnesium. All of these compounds and elements make up the surface of the moon which is a mixture.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever wondered what a Baseball bat was made up of? First, the grip of the baseball is made up of DSP dura polymer which is made up of 14 carbon, 24 hydrogen, and 6 oxygen atoms. All of that is held up by epoxy which is a compound and it is made up of 21 carbon atoms, 16 hydrogen atoms, and 2 oxygen atoms. All of those combined makes a sticky substance and that's why it is used to hold the bat wrap on the bat. Baseball bats are also made up of aluminium which is the barrel of the baseball bat. It is only made up of aluminium atoms so that makes it an element. Also, there is a small part of the bat that contains carbon fiber polymer. That is made up of 3 carbon atoms, 3 hydrogen atoms, and 3 nitrogen, and when all three of those are mixed by heat it makes a light but durable which makes it a mixture. And when all of those are combined it makes the whole bat a mixture because all of the compounds and elements are not the same.
ReplyDeleteMany people say Gatorade is good for you, but do you know what is really in Gatorade? Gatorade is a mixture of many compounds. Gatorade has some of your common everyday compounds but then it also has some majority of people have never heard of. Gatorade is only good for you if your are burning calories by being physically active. Gatorade has electrolytes which replaces the calories you burn while working out. The bottle in which you drink the Gatorade out of is known as Polyethylene terephthalate which is a type of plastic. Gatorade is composed of Water, sugar, dextrose, citric acid, flavoring, salt, sodium citrate and monopotassium phosphate as the main core of the substance. All of these main ingredients are compounds.
ReplyDeleteI never knew Gatorade has electrolytes. And that electrolytes make up calories.
DeleteSaturn is a beautiful and unique planet created by God, but what is it made of? Unlike Earth, Saturn is a gaseous planet and is 94% hydrogen or H, an element. The other 6% is Helium, or He. On Saturn there is traces of ammonia, 1 nitrogen and 3 hydrogen atoms or NH3, methane, 1 carbon and 4 hydrogen or CH4, and water, H2O. The rings of Saturn are mainly made of ice water, rocks, and dust.
ReplyDeleteI have chosen the pencil because everyone calls it a pencil, but what is it really made of? I found out in doing some research that there are five main parts of a pencil. The parts are the eraser, rubber, Graphite, wood, and Aluminum. The eraser is a compound called synthetic rubber. This synthetic rubber is made up of fossil fuels and in the fossil fuels there is hydrogen and carbon. The second part of it is the wood that surrounds the Graphite. The wood would be a mixture because if you were to burn it you would get steam and that means there is water in the tree. Also if tap the tree you will get sap and so the tree is more than just one element. Aluminum is an element that is located on the end of the pencil to connect the wood and eraser together. Then there is on the top of the wood there is an outer coating of paint that helps to protect the person using it to help protect their hand. Last there is Graphite which is the part that is in the middle of the pencil and creates the color when you press down on the paper.
ReplyDeleteShoes have shaped sports in new and iconic ways. Kyrie 6s are new shoes that improve your traction, precision, and jump. The newer part of basketball shoes is called plush foam, it rotates the medical bones in your foot inward and downward so that helps you walk on your inner margin of your foot. Leather, helps you in a way that it prevents odor and prevent loss of traction. The air cushion inside helps your jump and keeps you comfortable. The strap, which is not on many shoes, crosses over to the opposite side of the shoe for support and/or lockdown on your shoe. The rubber sole of the shoe provides a base of support for you as you do physical activity. Because of how tough rubber is, their is an air cushion inside. This supports your foot and makes it more comfortable for you to maneuver in. All these different compounds, mixtures, and elements make up the shoe and work together to get the best performance possible.
ReplyDeleteThe rubber duck also has ethylene in it to make the rubbery substance. This comes from crude oil mined from miles deep in the ground. The other part comes from Polyvinyl Chloride, and that makes a resin that is mixed into the ethylene, and the Ethylene and then gets poured into a mold to make a rubber duck.
ReplyDeleteNathan, why? Why the rubber ducky? Were ya thinking of Sesame Street?
DeleteI never knew oil made a rubber duck that's cool.
DeleteOne of the most influential and impacting inventions of our age is the telephone. The amount of progress and innovation that the phone has experienced over the past years is staggering. In this paragraph, I’ll explain the many different materials and atoms that make up the modern smartphone. Although different brands and models may have some small differences, the core parts and systems remain somewhat constant. The main components of a modern-day phone are the screen, body, and various electronic machines. The screen is made of glass, which is a mixture of sand, sodium, and calcium. The body can either be made of a compound plastic, or elements of metal.
ReplyDeleteAsteroids are something that we’ve discovered for only about two hundred years. We know quite a bit about them and scientists are still working to find out more about them. What I want to know is what are asteroids made of?
ReplyDeleteAsteroids are made up of mostly iron. 80% of this type of asteroid is made of iron and the other twenty is made of a mixture of many other elements. Some asteroids contain water which is made up of one oxygen and two hydrogen. Other asteroids contain magma, which is made up of silicon, titanium, aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, hydrogen and oxygen.
A lot of people drink Gatorade and for different reasons. Some people drink it just to drink it, but others drink it for sports purposes. I also drink Gatorade, and wanted to find out what some of the things that make it up are. The first ingredient I found was citric acid. Citric acid is used in Gatorade add flavor and act as a preservative. The next ingredient was salt. They use salt to enhance taste and help regulate fluid balance in the body. Another ingredient I found is Brominated vegetable oil. The vegetable oil ensures the stability of the flavor mixture. It also keeps the citric oils in Gatorade from rising to the surface. I also found Sucralose as an ingredient. Sucralose is a a non-calorie artificial sweetener and is used to enhance flavor and add sweetness. The last thing in gatorade that I found is hydrogen. The hydrogen isn’t in the gatorade, it is in the plastic of the gatorade bottle.
ReplyDeleteI find some of the major elements in the substance and then try and split them down into the core elements of what they are. My element was fire and I was trying to find out things like what makes it light up and how it gets its heat. It is primarily made up of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen, with one part nitrogen, for the fuel. 2 extra carbon atoms for the wood.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever wondered what makes up a basketball?First the outer covering of the basketball. The outer covering is made of Leather which is a compound. The next layer is called the Carcass and it is made of Rubber which is a Mixture. The next layer is called the Winding and it is made up of nylon or polyester and they are mixtures. Last it’s the Bladder (Air retention) which is where the air goes and the air is a Mixture.
ReplyDeleteThe outside of the Basketball is made out of leather