My original hypothesis was that the heat pad would help the best, but It is my understanding (for now) that stretches help the most. This is based on my research, experience, and consideration, and I no longer believe that heat pads will eliminate the pain the most. Until new research and evidence come my way I believe that ice packs don’t help at all, heat pads help loosen muscles and stretches help the most overall. For future investigations I would like to keep this in mind and apply what i learned to new experiments, and use this experience to help me.
My hypothesis was that if the amount of sleep of an athlete went up that there performance level would increase. Then if they got less sleep that there performance level would decrease. My data supported my hypothesis such as in the graph and data table. In the data table the variables supported it by decreasing with the less sleep the test person got. With the graph the slope was negative which showed that the athlete’s performance level decreased with the amount of sleep they got.
My hypothesis was: that if a student listens to background music while they do their homework, then they are more focused. My data showed that when students listen to their preferred type of music or music with a lower tempo/beats they were more focused when they did their homework. But when they listened to pop music/today's hits, they were less focused than before.
If the quality of a drain increases the amount of water drained then local hunger will decrease. My graph showed that the first type of drain I had was the most efficient because, it had the highest bar in the graph.
My hypothesis was if an athlete's fitness goes up it will not affect their energy. I thought that working out and stretching everyday would tire your body but actually was quite the opposite. On the graph the slope was actually positive. Also in the data table, the numbers showed that the longer the workout was the more energy they had the next day. When stretching regularly you can increase energy.
If the school's defense plan increases then the number of casualties in School Shooting will decrease. Yes my data showed that an increase or better method had less casualties. My data table showed that this hypothesis was correct.
I like your motivation to make schools safer, were you thinking about our school specifcally that it needs to be safer or are you concerned with all schools across the US?
If the type of fertilizer is changed then it will effect the growth of the plants, Cow Manure would work best, then Chemiclas, Rabbit Manure, and then Chicken manure My hypothesis was wrong because everything was right except for the cow manure and chemicals were switch around because after all of the measurements I got that the Chemicals increased in growth faster than the Cow manure did but if I had more time I feel like the Plant with the cow manure would stay alive longer.
My hypothesis was if I change the padding in a baseball helmet would it make the helmets impact not as bad as usual. I couldn't really say if my hypothesis is true because I wouldn't know what the impact would be with the padding already in the helmet.
My hypothesis was that as the knowledge about environmental impact increases, the willingness to make environmentally positive and conscious choices will go up as well. My data does support my hypothesis, in the data table we can find that the rating of willingness increases after reading the information. The images were the most effective for encouraging others to make environmentally conscious choices. The Image has the highest increase for wanting to make better choices. The other categorys only increased by 1 rating or stayed the same but the Image results are 1 rating higher than the rest. This is proven in my bar graph.
My hypothesis was that if the homeless got a job they liked and that would provide financial security, then the homeless population would decrease. My data did support my hypothesis. When surveyed, many people said that going to college would help them get a job they like and that provided financial security.
I believe this would be correct. How would they get a job, I mean I feel like not many people would want to higher a homeless person because the owners might think it is bad for business. How would you encourage the employer to higher them. Otherwise I do support.
My original hypothesis was if the amount of pollution increases it can affect the environment. It is my understanding that as air pollution increases it hurts the environment. This is based on my research. Until new research and evidence comes my way I believe .For future investigations I would like to do a different type of experiment
As the amount of air pollution rises there where more air particles. So as pollution rises the environment gets worse
My hypothesis was that if the amount of homework at night increases then the amount of sleep decreases. My data did support my hypothesis because the graph was going at a negative slope for when the amount of homwork decreases then the sleep quality decreases.
My hypothesis was - If I can create a water filter that can clean the water and make it safe for consumption, then I could safely clean water for human consumption and help with water problems around the world. After I did testing and learned how to make make one, I originally thought thought that all the materials would filter water in about the same, but I realized that the materials each have their own role in filtering and work best when they are all together.
If the number of minutes spent on a screen before bed increases the level of tiredness will increase. My hypothesis was correct. The data I collected was proving that the more time spent on a device the level of tiredness in the morning increased.
If you stretch more efficiently every time before you throw the amount of baseball elbow injuries will decrease. My data was undetermined with my hypothesis. All the data is spread out and sometimes it was true and worked out but then there were some people who it didn't work for and it wasn't true.
My Hypothesis was: If a teens outlook on working out is increased, I think that will increase the amount of exercise they do. I think that the most affected way to get teens inspired is by letting them set goals that they want to achieve. My data showed that if I created an app the most effective app would be an app that tracks the teens personal goals.
Hypothesis: Besides Classical music, Country music will be the best genre to listen to before you fall asleep. Outcome: My data showed that my hypothesis was correct and country music is the best genre to fall asleep to.
My hypothesis was that If the amount of time I spend stretching before and after a workout increases then the level of soreness in my muscles will decrease. I found my hypothesis to be correct. Based on my results that I found with my experiment, I found that my graph had a negative slope. The negative slope represented that as somebody stretched more after a workout, then they would be less sore the next day.
Hypothesis: The more time you spend stretching before practice and icing after will affect the level of soreness that you feel. My hypothesis was acurate. After every basketball practice for a month my back pain was decreasing and now there is virtually no pain.
Originally, my hypothesis was that scheduling would reduce stress the most out of the activities tested in my experiment. However it was shows at the end that stretching and listening to music helped the most. This is shown because the average base stress levels of those who did the activities subtracted by the average stress levels after doing the activity showed that there was the most reduction of stress with those two applications.
If the weight of the baseball decreases then injuries from getting hit by the baseball will decrease. My data did support my hypothesis because the force of the baseball was lower when the ball was lighter. The lighter baseballs were around 25 newtons and the heavier baseballs were around 30 to 35 newtons.
My hypothesis was: Memory foam have the least amount of impact. My hypothesis was correct and the memory foam had the least amount of impact. In conclusion I would suggest to have an inner layer of memory foam for more protection.
My hypothesis was that if people became more educated on the problem of clothing waste, they would be more likely to be motivated to make a change in what they did with their clothing when they are done with it. When asked how likely they were to want to make a change in their clothing habits, people who read about the problem said they were 10% more likely to make a change than those who read about the solution, which supported my original hypothesis.
My hypothesis was that if the distance of your knee inside of your foot increases the number of ankle injuries you have will also increase. My hypothesis was correct. My graph had an upward slope showing that as the distance of your knee inside of your foot increase the number of ankle injuries also increased. This was also shown in the data table by the number of ankle injuries. For example one person when they jump they landed with their knees 8.00 cm inside of their feet and their number of ankle injuries was 2. While another persons distance was 3.34 cm and their number of ankle injuries in the past year was 0
If your level of stress increases, calming music will cause your stress level to decrease. My data supported my hypothesis. I surveyed people on their stress levels from 1-5 before and after listening to music and almost every time it had decreased after they listened.
That's interesting. I too did mine on stress and found that music showed great reduction. I was however curious what type of music could cause the most reduction.
My hypothesis was, If the amount of homework would increase, the quality of sleep decreased. After my experiment I found that my hypothesis was correct. My evidence was not only my data obviously but the information that other people have told me.
My hypothesis was- if a person listens to more active and moving music, they will have dreams of adventure and action. If a person listens to calm and soothing music, they will have dreams of peace and joy. My hypothesis was somewhat supported by the data. Some of the slower songs resulted in calmer dreams but it was not completely consistent.
My hypothesis was that the closer you eat before going to bed then your sleep quality will increase. After experimenting on this, I learned that my hypothesis was not correct. I discovered that the more time in between the last time you eat and when you go to bed, your sleep will increase.
My original hypothesis was that if an athlete increases their diet with nutrient rich foods and supplements their overall performance and energy levels will increase. My data thoroughly supported my hypothesis . The data displayed on my bar graph and data table proved that when an athlete consumes a more nutritious diet their energy levels are much higher as opposed to when they consume a more unhealthy diet.
My Hypothesis was: If there was a certain type of fence surrounding the animals home/habitat. I tried 3 different types of fences, first one was just a normal fence and was easily crossed, second was spiky barb wire fence which wasn't as easy to get over but it was breached, third was electric fence and they didn't want to even try to cross it. My data somewhat supported my hypothesis only because once the more dangerous fence was put up they didn't want cross.
My hypothesis was that if people knew more about what happens to dogs in shelters and puppy mills, they would be more willing to adopt dogs from shelters. My hypothesis was correct. In my survey I found that the likelihood of someone adopting a dog went up after they read facts and looked at pictures for both animal shelters and puppy mills.
My hypothesis was if you warm-up and stretch properly the number of arm injuries in baseball will decrease. In my experiment I figured out that when you stretched and warmed up more the less arm problems I had.
I have done my project on whether I could make football gloves work better, the idea I had, was to add grooves and the dotes to the glove. My hypothesis was If the amount of fiction increases on the glove increases then the gloves then the amount of grip on the ball should as well. My hypothesis was right but my idea of adding dots and groves was wrong, I now looking back realize that the normal football gloves make for surface area with the ball creating more friction.
If the Mouth Guard got harder then there would be more protection for the teeth. My data did support my hypothesis. My hypothesis was correct because the hardest one had the most protection.
My hypothesis was that is the volume of music went up then the amount of focus a teenager had while doing their homework would go down. my hypothesis was incorrect and I found out that when the volume went up then the amount of focus that a teenager had more focus.
My hypothesis was if the amount of screen time on a phone increased, then the quality of sleep will decrease. My hypothesis was mostly right, but in some cases the sleep quality stayed the same while the amount of screen time increased.
My hypothesis was that if exercise increases, the amount of focus a person has will increase. While I know that everyone is different and that this may not work for everyone, i found that in most of the people I tested, an increase in exercise increased their focus. I recorded this by having negative numbers be a decrease in focus and positive numbers be an increase in focus. I found that in my bar graph, most people were positive, so my conclusion is that exercise does increase focus.
My hypothesis was if we make an app that helps teens stay safe on the web, so they are not so interested in Snapchat and don't cause an accident. The data supported this because the less people that were driving and also on Snapchat, the less accidents there were to happen. The evidence is that then, if they aren't focused on Snapchat, then they have more of a chance to not get into a car accident.
My hypothesis was that if the amount of screen time increases then the sleep quality will decrease. My graph supported my hypothesis. My graph had a negative slope and showed that the higher amount of screen time lead to a lower quality of sleep.
My hypothesis was that the more screen time before bed will cause less productive sleep. As I conducted my experiment, I thought my hypothesis was correct, until it took a strange turn. As I was testing 1.5 hours and 2 hours, the quality started to increase after decreasing for 0.5 and 1 hour. My evidence for my incorrect hypothesis was the data collected. There very well could have been incorrect data or recording, but from what I have found and until new evidence comes my way, the quality increases with no screen time, and a lot of screen time.
My hypothesis was that if the right foods are consumed, performance will increase. This is important because athletes want to perform at the highest possible level. My data shows the energy values of different foods, and ranks them according to their calories.
what teaches people better videos or books? I thought videos would be the most effective, and my data did support it showing that it was more effective.
My hypothesis was that if the time of diffusing essential oils increased then the mood will increase. My hypothesis was supported. The trend line was going in a positive slope. In my data I found that when the time that the diffuser was running increase the moods of the people would become happier and less stresses.
My hypothesis was if the amount of screen time increases, then your sleep quality will decrease. My hypothesis was correct. In my graph it showed the trend line going from right to left in a negative direction which proved my hypothesis. The evidence in the table was that when the screen time was high, they usually got a worse sleep and when screen time was low, their sleep quality was better.
i had to see how fast/ long it would take to ride around a track with different pressure tires. I used a timer to see how fast it would go around a track
My original hypothesis was that the heat pad would help the best, but It is my understanding (for now) that stretches help the most. This is based on my research, experience, and consideration, and I no longer believe that heat pads will eliminate the pain the most. Until new research and evidence come my way I believe that ice packs don’t help at all, heat pads help loosen muscles and stretches help the most overall. For future investigations I would like to keep this in mind and apply what i learned to new experiments, and use this experience to help me.
ReplyDeleteWhat does help the most then?
DeleteThis is good to know for the people that injure thereselves or want to prevent injury
DeleteHow would other things help back pain, like a foam roller or something?
DeleteMy hypothesis was that if the amount of sleep of an athlete went up that there performance level would increase. Then if they got less sleep that there performance level would decrease. My data supported my hypothesis such as in the graph and data table. In the data table the variables supported it by decreasing with the less sleep the test person got. With the graph the slope was negative which showed that the athlete’s performance level decreased with the amount of sleep they got.
ReplyDeletethis just makes sense
DeleteI really liked this idea. And it does make a lot of sense
DeleteMy hypothesis was: that if a student listens to background music while they do their homework, then they are more focused. My data showed that when students listen to their preferred type of music or music with a lower tempo/beats they were more focused when they did their homework. But when they listened to pop music/today's hits, they were less focused than before.
ReplyDeletethis is totally accurate for me too
DeleteI learned that listening to certain types of music can be helpful while doing homework.
DeleteDoes this only apply to certain people? For me, I can focus while listening to any music.
DeleteI agree with this, I am always more focused when i listen to music.
DeleteWhat music helped the most?
DeleteFor me the music cant be very like fast paced it has to be kinda slow,
Deletenice idea
If the quality of a drain increases the amount of water drained then local hunger will decrease. My graph showed that the first type of drain I had was the most efficient because, it had the highest bar in the graph.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was if an athlete's fitness goes up it will not affect their energy. I thought that working out and stretching everyday would tire your body but actually was quite the opposite. On the graph the slope was actually positive. Also in the data table, the numbers showed that the longer the workout was the more energy they had the next day. When stretching regularly you can increase energy.
ReplyDeleteIf the school's defense plan increases then the number of casualties in School Shooting will decrease. Yes my data showed that an increase or better method had less casualties. My data table showed that this hypothesis was correct.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you discovered how to solve this problem in many different ways.
DeleteDo you think that this just scares the people or that it helps keep them out
DeleteI like your motivation to make schools safer, were you thinking about our school specifcally that it needs to be safer or are you concerned with all schools across the US?
DeleteIf the type of fertilizer is changed then it will effect the growth of the plants, Cow Manure would work best, then Chemiclas, Rabbit Manure, and then Chicken manure
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was wrong because everything was right except for the cow manure and chemicals were switch around because after all of the measurements I got that the Chemicals increased in growth faster than the Cow manure did but if I had more time I feel like the Plant with the cow manure would stay alive longer.
DeleteMy hypothesis was if I change the padding in a baseball helmet would it make the helmets impact not as bad as usual. I couldn't really say if my hypothesis is true because I wouldn't know what the impact would be with the padding already in the helmet.
ReplyDeleteIf the total amount of food made decreases then the total amount of food wasted will decrease as well.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your hypothesis, if we make the amount of food we will eat then there will be less waste because none will be thrown away.
DeleteMy hypothesis was that as the knowledge about environmental impact increases, the willingness to make environmentally positive and conscious choices will go up as well. My data does support my hypothesis, in the data table we can find that the rating of willingness increases after reading the information. The images were the most effective for encouraging others to make environmentally conscious choices. The Image has the highest increase for wanting to make better choices. The other categorys only increased by 1 rating or stayed the same but the Image results are 1 rating higher than the rest. This is proven in my bar graph.
DeleteMy hypothesis was that if the homeless got a job they liked and that would provide financial security, then the homeless population would decrease. My data did support my hypothesis. When surveyed, many people said that going to college would help them get a job they like and that provided financial security.
ReplyDeleteI believe this would be correct. How would they get a job, I mean I feel like not many people would want to higher a homeless person because the owners might think it is bad for business. How would you encourage the employer to higher them. Otherwise I do support.
DeleteMy original hypothesis was if the amount of pollution increases it can affect the environment. It is my understanding that as air pollution increases it hurts the environment. This is based on my research. Until new research and evidence comes my way I believe .For future investigations I would like to do a different type of experiment
ReplyDeleteAs the amount of air pollution rises there where more air particles. So as pollution rises the environment gets worse
This sounds like you could really help the environment, you should find a way to clean up air pollution.
DeleteMy hypothesis was that if the amount of homework at night increases then the amount of sleep decreases. My data did support my hypothesis because the graph was going at a negative slope for when the amount of homwork decreases then the sleep quality decreases.
ReplyDeleteOn average, how much homework did people have?
DeleteI agree with your hypothesis because I notice this too.
DeleteMy hypothesis was - If I can create a water filter that can clean the water and make it safe for consumption, then I could safely clean water for human consumption and help with water problems around the world. After I did testing and learned how to make make one, I originally thought thought that all the materials would filter water in about the same, but I realized that the materials each have their own role in filtering and work best when they are all together.
ReplyDeleteIf the number of minutes spent on a screen before bed increases the level of tiredness will increase. My hypothesis was correct. The data I collected was proving that the more time spent on a device the level of tiredness in the morning increased.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your hypothesis.
DeleteI agree with this Hypothesis
DeleteI agree with your Hypothesis
DeleteI agree with your hypothesis.
DeleteIf you stretch more efficiently every time before you throw the amount of baseball elbow injuries will decrease. My data was undetermined with my hypothesis. All the data is spread out and sometimes it was true and worked out but then there were some people who it didn't work for and it wasn't true.
ReplyDeleteMy Hypothesis was: If a teens outlook on working out is increased, I think that will increase the amount of exercise they do. I think that the most affected way to get teens inspired is by letting them set goals that they want to achieve. My data showed that if I created an app the most effective app would be an app that tracks the teens personal goals.
ReplyDeleteTrue, if someone sets their own goal they will be more determined to achieve it.
DeleteHypothesis: Besides Classical music, Country music will be the best genre to listen to before you fall asleep. Outcome: My data showed that my hypothesis was correct and country music is the best genre to fall asleep to.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was that If the amount of time I spend stretching before and after a workout increases then the level of soreness in my muscles will decrease. I found my hypothesis to be correct. Based on my results that I found with my experiment, I found that my graph had a negative slope. The negative slope represented that as somebody stretched more after a workout, then they would be less sore the next day.
ReplyDeleteI have found that stretching usually works too. What scale did you use to measure soreness though?
Deletesounds pretty cool
Deleteso cool
DeleteVery cool
DeleteHypothesis: The more time you spend stretching before practice and icing after will affect the level of soreness that you feel. My hypothesis was acurate. After every basketball practice for a month my back pain was decreasing and now there is virtually no pain.
ReplyDeleteYour hypothesis is logical.
Deletegood to know
DeleteOriginally, my hypothesis was that scheduling would reduce stress the most out of the activities tested in my experiment. However it was shows at the end that stretching and listening to music helped the most. This is shown because the average base stress levels of those who did the activities subtracted by the average stress levels after doing the activity showed that there was the most reduction of stress with those two applications.
DeleteIf the weight of the baseball decreases then injuries from getting hit by the baseball will decrease. My data did support my hypothesis because the force of the baseball was lower when the ball was lighter. The lighter baseballs were around 25 newtons and the heavier baseballs were around 30 to 35 newtons.
ReplyDeletemuy bien, senor Mallow
DeleteMy hypothesis was: Memory foam have the least amount of impact. My hypothesis was correct and the memory foam had the least amount of impact. In conclusion I would suggest to have an inner layer of memory foam for more protection.
ReplyDeleteWhy were you testing this..... What was the intensive.
DeleteWhat does this help exactly? Be a bit more specific with your hypothesis
DeleteMy hypothesis was that if people became more educated on the problem of clothing waste, they would be more likely to be motivated to make a change in what they did with their clothing when they are done with it. When asked how likely they were to want to make a change in their clothing habits, people who read about the problem said they were 10% more likely to make a change than those who read about the solution, which supported my original hypothesis.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was that if the distance of your knee inside of your foot increases the number of ankle injuries you have will also increase. My hypothesis was correct. My graph had an upward slope showing that as the distance of your knee inside of your foot increase the number of ankle injuries also increased. This was also shown in the data table by the number of ankle injuries. For example one person when they jump they landed with their knees 8.00 cm inside of their feet and their number of ankle injuries was 2. While another persons distance was 3.34 cm and their number of ankle injuries in the past year was 0
ReplyDeleteIf your level of stress increases, calming music will cause your stress level to decrease. My data supported my hypothesis. I surveyed people on their stress levels from 1-5 before and after listening to music and almost every time it had decreased after they listened.
ReplyDeleteThat's interesting. I too did mine on stress and found that music showed great reduction. I was however curious what type of music could cause the most reduction.
DeleteMy hypothesis was, If the amount of homework would increase, the quality of sleep decreased. After my experiment I found that my hypothesis was correct. My evidence was not only my data obviously but the information that other people have told me.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was- if a person listens to more active and moving music, they will have dreams of adventure and action. If a person listens to calm and soothing music, they will have dreams of peace and joy.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was somewhat supported by the data. Some of the slower songs resulted in calmer dreams but it was not completely consistent.
My hypothesis was that the closer you eat before going to bed then your sleep quality will increase. After experimenting on this, I learned that my hypothesis was not correct. I discovered that the more time in between the last time you eat and when you go to bed, your sleep will increase.
ReplyDeletethis is very interesting. Did you try different types of food or did you use the same food for every test?
DeleteMy original hypothesis was that if an athlete increases their diet with nutrient rich foods and supplements their overall performance and energy levels will increase. My data thoroughly supported my hypothesis . The data displayed on my bar graph and data table proved that when an athlete consumes a more nutritious diet their energy levels are much higher as opposed to when they consume a more unhealthy diet.
ReplyDeleteWhich highly nutritious foods did you experiment with?
DeleteMy Hypothesis was: If there was a certain type of fence surrounding the animals home/habitat. I tried 3 different types of fences, first one was just a normal fence and was easily crossed, second was spiky barb wire fence which wasn't as easy to get over but it was breached, third was electric fence and they didn't want to even try to cross it. My data somewhat supported my hypothesis only because once the more dangerous fence was put up they didn't want cross.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was that if people knew more about what happens to dogs in shelters and puppy mills, they would be more willing to adopt dogs from shelters. My hypothesis was correct. In my survey I found that the likelihood of someone adopting a dog went up after they read facts and looked at pictures for both animal shelters and puppy mills.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was if you warm-up and stretch properly the number of arm injuries in baseball will decrease. In my experiment I figured out that when you stretched and warmed up more the less arm problems I had.
ReplyDeleteI have done my project on whether I could make football gloves work better, the idea I had, was to add grooves and the dotes to the glove. My hypothesis was If the amount of fiction increases on the glove increases then the gloves then the amount of grip on the ball should as well. My hypothesis was right but my idea of adding dots and groves was wrong, I now looking back realize that the normal football gloves make for surface area with the ball creating more friction.
ReplyDeleteIf the Mouth Guard got harder then there would be more protection for the teeth. My data did support my hypothesis. My hypothesis was correct because the hardest one had the most protection.
ReplyDeleteThat's very interesting. I didn't know that. I didn't think the harder the material is then the better it is.
DeleteI have not conducted my experiment yet. The responses I've asked for have not gotten back to me.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was that is the volume of music went up then the amount of focus a teenager had while doing their homework would go down. my hypothesis was incorrect and I found out that when the volume went up then the amount of focus that a teenager had more focus.
ReplyDeletedid you find that at a certain point the focus went down with how loud the music was?
DeleteMy hypothesis was if the amount of screen time on a phone increased, then the quality of sleep will decrease. My hypothesis was mostly right, but in some cases the sleep quality stayed the same while the amount of screen time increased.
ReplyDeletenice job! way to explain what happened.
DeleteMy hypothesis was that if exercise increases, the amount of focus a person has will increase. While I know that everyone is different and that this may not work for everyone, i found that in most of the people I tested, an increase in exercise increased their focus. I recorded this by having negative numbers be a decrease in focus and positive numbers be an increase in focus. I found that in my bar graph, most people were positive, so my conclusion is that exercise does increase focus.
ReplyDeleteWow. Good job at explaining.
DeleteGood way of explaining and looking at data on the graph
DeleteMy hypothesis was if we make an app that helps teens stay safe on the web, so they are not so interested in Snapchat and don't cause an accident. The data supported this because the less people that were driving and also on Snapchat, the less accidents there were to happen. The evidence is that then, if they aren't focused on Snapchat, then they have more of a chance to not get into a car accident.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was that if the amount of screen time increases then the sleep quality will decrease. My graph supported my hypothesis. My graph had a negative slope and showed that the higher amount of screen time lead to a lower quality of sleep.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was that the more screen time before bed will cause less productive sleep. As I conducted my experiment, I thought my hypothesis was correct, until it took a strange turn. As I was testing 1.5 hours and 2 hours, the quality started to increase after decreasing for 0.5 and 1 hour. My evidence for my incorrect hypothesis was the data collected. There very well could have been incorrect data or recording, but from what I have found and until new evidence comes my way, the quality increases with no screen time, and a lot of screen time.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was that if the right foods are consumed, performance will increase. This is important because athletes want to perform at the highest possible level. My data shows the energy values of different foods, and ranks them according to their calories.
ReplyDeletewhat teaches people better videos or books?
ReplyDeleteI thought videos would be the most effective, and my data did support it showing that it was more effective.
that is a pretty cool experiment.
DeleteMy hypothesis was that if the time of diffusing essential oils increased then the mood will increase. My hypothesis was supported. The trend line was going in a positive slope. In my data I found that when the time that the diffuser was running increase the moods of the people would become happier and less stresses.
ReplyDeleteMy hypothesis was if the amount of screen time increases, then your sleep quality will decrease. My hypothesis was correct. In my graph it showed the trend line going from right to left in a negative direction which proved my hypothesis. The evidence in the table was that when the screen time was high, they usually got a worse sleep and when screen time was low, their sleep quality was better.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to record my data so i don't have a hypothesis but i will soon
ReplyDeletei had to see how fast/ long it would take to ride around a track with different pressure tires. I used a timer to see how fast it would go around a track