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1st Day of the Second Semester

Today we started the second semester by working on identifying our topics for the capstone project.  Here is the 8th period class.
TEACHER OBJECTIVE - Identify who the students are and how I can empower them to find and solve problems.
STUDENT OBJECTIVE - Identify who my classmates are and collaborate with them to identify and solve problems.
Simon Sinek, “Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.”
Be a problem finder and solver!

We also formed our base groups and found STEAM partners.

The assignment is to complete the exit ticket posted in Google Classroom by the beginning of Friday's class and to complete the capstone project document up to and including row 36 by the end of class on Friday.


  1. So many football players get hurt from head injuries from getting hit in the head with another players shoulder or head and some players are bad that they cant play football for days, weeks, months, or if its that serious possibly for there career.


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