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2/12/2020 Battery-Powered Vehicle Investigation

Today the students planned and carried out an investigation to determine the relationship between the time a battery-powered car traveled and the position of the car.   Time is the difference between the beginning and ending clock reading.  Position is the number of standards units of measure (such as meters) that are put end-to-end in a straight line from position zero to another point.


  1. What is your product? Making football gloves more sticky
    What needs or wants is your product design meeting? I want the glove to have more friction on the ball.
    Why is it important to meet this need or want? So people who need to catch a ball and the ball slipes

  2. My product will most likely be a scale on what teaches people best based on there learning abilities. This can meet the needs of most people to get better scores, and know what they need to teach them best. it is important to meet this because most people do not know what is best for them at there skill level.


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